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Add option to fade over time

When integrating this with HA Platforms they often support a fade over time. I would like to request ability be added to the new API. I would suggest it be added to the command to set brightness. Pretty much any light device that support setting brightness i would hope to get this functionality.

Increasing brightness\temperature

Hey all, Just getting started with this 'newer' Govee API & aside from a few hiccups (already mentioned in the discussion board) so far so good. My question\\request is.. Is there a view to add the ability to increase the current brightness value by increments such as '1', '10' or '5%', '15%', '20%', instead of sending a POST request with a pre-defined value of X. Currently, I have an array of calls, that are set (for brightness percentage ) for 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, but instead of these 5 individual request, I'd rather have 2. '+20' and '-20'. Thank you.

What is devices.capabilities.property?

It is returned with H713C as: { "type": "devices.capabilities.property", "instance": "sensorTemperature" }, Within "capabilities": \[] It's not documented anywhere, and it has no children or attributes. What is it for?

colorTemperatureK fails on some devices (Like H6188) without error

I send: curl --location '<https://openapi.api.govee.com/router/api/v1/device/control'> --header 'Govee-API-Key: key' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{ "requestId": "'\''.time().'\''", "payload": { "sku": "H6188", "device": "id", "capability": { "type": "devices.capabilities.color_setting", "instance": "colorTemperatureK", "value": 2500 } } }' I get back: { "requestId": "'.time().'", "msg": "success", "code": 200, "capability": { "type": "devices.capabilities.color_setting", "instance": "colorTemperatureK", "state": { "status": "success" }, "value": 2500 } } But the device does not change from the DIY that it is currently playing. (As a note, it works fine on H6087)

Why does the API return "success" if the device is unplugged?

My tower fan has been unplugged for about 2 weeks now, and the app (correctly) shows it as "Not Connected". Why does the API return "success" when I call it to power on the device? Obviously there is no way this action can possible succeed. { "requestId": "132233", "msg": "success", "code": 200, "capability": { "type": "devices.capabilities.on_off", "instance": "powerSwitch", "state": { "status": "success" }, "value": 1 } }

New users with new API Tokens not working

Is there a issue with folks getting new API tokens's not being able to access the new API. I have had a few users hit me up with issues getting devices to do simple things. The ironic thing is I can do it with my setup and in some cases we have the exact same device models. The model numbers involved that were reported if it matters are H615A, H615C, H7122, H7126, H7142

Suggest adding API support for H5074

Would be great to have API support for H5074 units that are set up with "Remote View" This way can see Temp/Hum and battery life, Alarm Status, possibly even some number of historical readings (last 10 readings for example) Thank you!

Please enable "Suggest Edits" mode for the API Reference

There are quite a few spelling / grammar errors in the API docs, as well as points as confusion that would be beneficial to fix. ref: <https://docs.readme.com/main/docs/suggested-edits#turn-off-or-disable-suggested-edit> \-TechMan09

H6066 Hexa Glide Pro API support

Hello everyone, I am having considerable difficulty getting the Web API or the LAN API to work. I am hoping you can help me with some simple questions: Question 1 Does the H6066 LAN API support the following? turn a specific panel on/off set the color of a specific panel Question 2 Does the H6066 WEB API support the following? turn a specific panel on/off set the color of a specific panel Question 3 (WEB API) According to <https://developer.govee.com/docs/support-product-model> the H6066 is compatible with the web-API. According to Control You Device <https://developer.govee.com/reference/control-you-devices#segment_color_setting> the URL of the endpoint is /router/api/v1/device/control. This doesn't work. If I remove /router I can get some very limited responses According to <https://developer.govee.com/reference/control-you-devices#segment_color_setting> the segment_color_setting capability refers to light strips    Does H6066support the segment_color_setting capability? If the answer to any of the questions is yes, can you please provide a detailed answer? Thanks for your help. Steven

Device Add Request

I am requesting support for the H5043 Gateway & Its companion Water Sensors H5058 be added to the API Govee!