this is testing purpose
this questions are just for testing purposes . please delete these messages
Posted by tester 12 days ago
this is testing purpose
this questions are just for testing purposes . please delete these messages
Posted by tester 12 days ago
this is testing purpose
this questions are just for testing purposes . please delete these messages
Posted by tester 12 days ago
this is the test request
Posted by tester 12 days ago
Segment Color Control Not Working
I am able to adjust brightness of segments, but not the color. Others seem to have had this issue as well. How can I fix it? Here is my JSON request:
"payload": {
"capability": {
"instance": "segmentedColorRgb",
"type": "devices.capabilities.segment_color_setting",
"value": {
"segment": [
"rgb": 16711680
"sku": "H6061",
"device": DEVICE_ID
"requestId": 1
Posted by Nirmal Rajendran 12 days ago
Is it possible to implement gradual transitions between colors quickly?
I am trying to manually implement a dreamview experience with the Govee Hexa Glide panels. However, the best I've been able to do so far is to change the colors based on the average color of each frame on my screen. This is leading to sudden, stuttering color changes that aren't super pleasing to look at. Is there any way I could gradually change colors through the API?
Posted by Nirm R 15 days ago
API Schema
Would we be able to get some schemas for the APIs, the examples are great but a schema would make things 1000x easier to use.
Posted by null 19 days ago
API Down
I use the govee plugin for my elgato streamdeck and I'm having issues with it not connecting. Others are having issues with home assistant and other elgato products too.
Posted by David Graham 20 days ago
H7130 - API - Auto Stop Not in device/state
In the response for device/state, auto stop is not included. Can you please add this to the response?
<br />
```Text Auto Stop is Missing
"type": "devices.capabilities.temperature_setting",
"instance": "targetTemperature",
"state": {
"value": {
"unit": "Fahrenheit",
"targetTemperature": 70
Posted by Richard 26 days ago
H7130 LAN API - Not controlling Thermostat Toggle
I'm finding that the thermostatToggle capability is not actually controlling my H7130. When I send the api call it is successful, not not setting on my heater. If I run the get device state for my heater, I see this:
"type": "devices.capabilities.toggle",
"instance": "thermostatToggle",
"state": {
"value": ""
It looks like it's returning a string, and not a bit.
Posted by Richard 27 days ago