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API inconsistency for brightness value for H6143

On your api reference you mentiomentioned that the brightness range from 1 to 100 and it is working like that for all of my devices EXCEPT for my H6143 devices. For them it seems that they give brightness value between 0 anb 255 so not the same units (% for devices that works proproperly but byte for H6143). Please fix that

H6003 ligth bulb color change not working

I have tested for a lot of every devices with the same request but i with this it fails (the light is not changing color when the other did even though i got a success response, moreover other actions like turning the lightbulb on or off are working

More capabilities for H6159 and if possible H6163

It would be nice if you add support for more control over H6159 and if possible H6163 like: Type: devices.capabilities.range, Instance: brightness Type: devices.capabilities.color_setting, Instance: colorRgb Type: devices.capabilities.color_setting, Instance: colorTemperatureK Type: devices.capabilities.dynamic_scene, Instance: lightScene Type: devices.capabilities.music_setting, Instance: musicMode Type: devices.capabilities.dynamic_scene, Instance: diyScene Because these are core and essential function. If we cannot even change color, brightness it is useless. Diy, music mode and light scene would be a plus. Overall this api is very good

Missing comma in example code for Working mode.

The value section is missing a comma between the two values.

Missing capabilities for H610A

I am trying to use the API to list and set scenes on a H610A (Glide Lively RGBIC Wall Lights) but they don't list the ability to set scenes as a capability in the response, nor do they return a set of snapshots. All the API returns is a `devices.capabilities.on_off` powerSwitch. I can get the set of dynamic scenes and DIY scenes by querying those APIs directly, but not snapshots. Is this simply an oversight/bug or will the new API be limited to only certain devices?

LightScenes not working

Tring to test the command to submit Light scenes but when i do so i get a error paramater out of range. This doesn't make sense as i used the number pulled using the call to retrieve light scenes /router/api/v1/device/scenes

H6057 generate Internal server error

I am trying to get the status of a H6057, but i get a Internal server error. I don't think it is the call as this from my Integration for Hubitat and all of my other devices are working fine. Is the H6057 having a problem with the get status call.

CORS error

I try run API on my localhost, but throw me a CORS error, ehy?

WLED integration

Is there WLED integration so we don't have to splice our own controlling into the govee lights?

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How do I set the