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H7160 issues

- The device doesn't report a meaningful value for humidity, just an empty string. It would be nice to report both the temperature and humidify from the paired sensor. - The night light color and brightness controls are not supported

H6072 segment information mismatch

The number of segments in the `size` field doesn't seem to match up to the `elementRage` field for either brightness or rgb: ```json { "type": "devices.capabilities.segment_color_setting", "instance": "segmentedBrightness", "parameters": { "dataType": "STRUCT", "fields": [ { "fieldName": "segment", "size": { "min": 1, "max": 8 }, "dataType": "Array", "elementRange": { "min": 0, "max": 14 }, "elementType": "INTEGER", "required": true }, { "fieldName": "brightness", "dataType": "INTEGER", "range": { "min": 0, "max": 100, "precision": 1 }, "required": true } ] } }, { "type": "devices.capabilities.segment_color_setting", "instance": "segmentedColorRgb", "parameters": { "dataType": "STRUCT", "fields": [ { "fieldName": "segment", "size": { "min": 1, "max": 8 }, "dataType": "Array", "elementRange": { "min": 0, "max": 14 }, "elementType": "INTEGER", "required": true }, { "fieldName": "rgb", "dataType": "INTEGER", "range": { "min": 0, "max": 16777215, "precision": 1 }, "required": true } ] } }, ```

what is the difference between toggle and on_off?

``` "capabilities": [ { "type": "devices.capabilities.on_off", "instance": "powerSwitch", "parameters": { "dataType": "ENUM", "options": [ { "name": "on", "value": 1 }, { "name": "off", "value": 0 } ] } }, { "type": "devices.capabilities.toggle", "instance": "gradientToggle", "parameters": { "dataType": "ENUM", "options": [ { "name": "on", "value": 1 }, { "name": "off", "value": 0 } ] } }, ``` The powerSwitch has an on/off state that I can query, but the gradientToggle always reports its state as an empty string. Is the toggle intended to be a push button that doesn't report a state? If so, what is the purpose of the on/off enum values? How is it intended to be used?

Most scenes are no longer being returned from /router/api/v1/device/scenes

This morning hardly any scenes are being returned from this endpoint. It looks like it is returning just the first scene from the actual list and skipping the rest.

Model H6138

I know that this model is blue tooth only but is there any documentation for communicating with this device?

Feature request: Getting and setting DIY mode

I'm enjoying the new Govee API. I would like to be able to get the available DIY modes for a device, and to set the current DIY mode for a device. Any chance of these features being available soon?

Request [ Improvement ] Device [ H7061 ]

In the application, we can set "gradient colors" (saved in "my colors"), resulting in having two different colors on each light for that device. However, when retrieving the device state, the instance `colorRgb` returns 0 (probably because the two lights of the `H7061` return different values). The `segmentedColorRgb` doesn't return anything. I suppose it could be added to provide informations about each lights. In summary, having a way to set colors for each light independently would be really helpful.

Snapshot API Endpoint

Has anybody had luck pulling the snapshots? I'm able to pull dynamic scenes and DIY scenes, but don't see documentation on the end point for snapshots /snapshots is not it lol

What needs to be fixed with the api.

Hi ! A few weeks ago I started the development of a "control paned" for govee products and with the wide vavariety of lightning products I have from govee I have been able to find a few pretty annoying bugs and quirks in the API That needs to be fixed. This is the list: Bugs: - H6143 brightness control is not working correctly because the device is understanding the brightness on a scale from 0 to 254 but the API only allows 0 to 100 and scene and diy change dosen't work despite a sucess response. Not all music mode avaliable in the govee app are listed. - H6003 color/temperature change not working at all despite a sucess response and dynamic scene return empty - H6062 Wall Glide changing music mode is making the device freeze - On all devices with music mode capability the music control is not working correctly (sensitivity control and auto color control not working for any device but mode change is working it's the only thing which works) - Device state return incoherincoherent values and or empty values for most of them (the only that seems to work well are state (on/off), brightness and color temperature). This is the list of what needs to be fixed: - Gradient state (always empty) - Color RGB (Was working well before but now returns 0 a lot instead of the right color after scene switch or color temperature change or more) - Segmented color rgb and brighgtnebrightness are always empty even if the device is in a state which has different static colors applied - Light scene, music mode, diy scene and snapshot are always empty even though the device has a scene applied or something else What is missing in the api ? - Some devices like H6163 and H6159 Lacks basic control (they only support on/off not even color/brightness change or scene/diy/music mode control) even though H6163 is an RGBIC led strip that support scenes/diy/music modes and H6159 an rgb light strip that support scene,diy and music modes too. - AND I THINK THE MORE IMPORTANT: Being able to interact with distributed gateway to react to govee smart button press for exemple Apart from that this api is a great initiative and a good idea but thoses little bugs make it hard to use this api effectively. Fortunately thoses issues are not that big and can be solved easily. As for the missing features, I think this is a shame that older devices are not well supported but I hope they will be in the future. To conclude, I think that the integration with the govee smart buttons is a must and i hope it will be integrated in the future. To the admins: Please tell me if you need any more information on the issues I reported, I would love to help if it makes it faster to fix. Have a nice day ! Side note: Please notify us in the changelog section when an update that change the api behavior is done so we can update our apps quickly thanks.

Trouble getting started

I'd like to write a Python interface to access my Govee devices. I have applied for and received an API key. I have reviewed the API reference, particularly the request example, and written the following code: url = '<https://openapi.api.govee.com/router/api/v1/user/devices'> params = {'Govee-API-Key': 'xxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'} response = requests.get(url, params=params, timeout=5) ...and the API responds with HTTP 400 Bad Request. Any suggestions as to what I should do differently? Most APIs I've used include an initial step of providing auth credentials (including an API key) and receiving a session token, and then require that session token with every other HTTPS GET or HTTP POST request instead of the credentials. That might be what I'm missing here, but the documentation does not currently include any such example.