Feature Request: Add RGB and Hex input to color picker
Feature: Enhanced Color Picker with RGB and Hex Input
As a user,
I want to enter RGB or Hex values directly in the color picker
So that I can achieve precise and accurate color selections, especially for colors that are not well-interpreted by the smart color picker.
Given I am customizing a DIY scene or light group
And I have accessed the color picker interface
Scenario: Enter RGB values directly in the color picker
When I go to the color picker
Then I should see an option to input RGB values for the selected color
And entering RGB values should update the color selection accurately
Scenario: Enter Hex values directly in the color picker
When I go to the color picker
Then I should see an option to input Hex values for the selected color
And entering Hex values should update the color selection accurately
Scenario: Avoiding inaccuracies with the smart color picker
Given I am customizing a DIY scene that requires precise colors like "silver"
When I use the current smart color picker
Then it may incorrectly interpret "silver" as "purple"
When I use the RGB or Hex input instead
Then I can achieve the exact "silver" color without inaccuracies
Scenario: Default to color wheel or slider but allow RGB/Hex entry
Given I prefer a quick selection using the color wheel or slider
When I want more precise input
Then I should have the option to switch to RGB or Hex entry without leaving the color picker interface