Troubleshooting Govee Light Integration in Home Assistant
17 days ago by Koen
Hi there,
I'm experiencing difficulties integrating multiple Govee lights into Home Assistant. Here are the details of my attempts and devices:
- H600D
- H6099
- H618C
- H6143
- H619E
Integration Attempts:
Home Assistant Official Integration
- Bluetooth: No devices found
- Local API: Partial compatibility
HACS Integration (github.com/LaggAt/hacs-govee)
- Worked for most devices
- H600D not detected
- Integration became unstable over time
Custom Integration with Bluetooth Proxy
- Deployed on Atom Lite (ESPHome Bluetooth proxy)
- Successfully detected other Bluetooth devices (e.g., SwitchBot)
- Failed to detect Govee devices
Bluetooth Scan Results (Smartphone vs. Bluetooth Proxy):
Smartphone Detection:
- Govee_H6099_5B25 (MAC: CD:2A:05:C6:5B:25)
- GBK_H619E_931C (MAC: D4:AD:FC:13:93:1C)
- GVH600D64CA (MAC: 98:3D:AE:0D:64:CA)
- GBK_H618C_EB9B (MAC: D4:AD:FC:C6:EB:9B)
- GVH600D0CF2 (MAC: 98:3D:AE:12:0C:F2)
- GVH600DB7C2 (MAC: B0:81:84:CB:B7:C2)
- GVH600D255E (MAC: 98:3D:AE:0B:25:5E)
Bluetooth Proxy Detection: No Govee devices found
Key Question:
Why can my smartphone detect these Govee devices, but my Bluetooth proxy cannot?
I appreciate any insights or assistance in resolving this integration challenge.
Thank you,