segmentedColorRgb not working for H6061
8 months ago by James Robertson
I'm currently trying to use the API to change the colour of individual segments of my Glide Hexa Light Panels but despite receiving a 200, the colour does not change. I have had success with changing individual segment brightness.
"requestId": "1",
"payload": {
"sku": "H6061",
"device": "<mac addr>",
"capability": {
"type": "devices.capabilities.segment_color_setting",
"instance": "segmentedColorRgb",
"value": {
"requestId": "1",
"msg": "success",
"code": 200,
"capability": {
"type": "devices.capabilities.segment_color_setting",
"instance": "segmentedColorRgb",
"state": {
"status": "success"
"value": {
"segment": [
"rgb": 255
But the light does not change colour! Can this be resolved?